Presented at the Financial Planning Association – Business Solutions Conference
How Human Resources Can Increase Your Profits, Gain the Respect of Your Employees and Raise the Viability of Your Business
In the movie, The Money Pit, decisions and lack of information led to a series of surprising, agonizing and very expensive outcomes. Just as “let the buyer beware”, the employer should beware of these costly human resource “pitfalls”.
These pitfalls can cost several hundred thousand dollars or more.
Once a complaint is filed, an audit begun, — you’re “on the radar” – more audits, investigations and lawsuits can arise.
The burden of proof and documentation rests on the employer.
This session will help you begin work on some of the top Human Resource issues so that you and your firm can concentrate on running your business profitably and having productive employees.
Overtime – Who is eligible?
What happens if someone should be overtime eligible and you have misclassified him/her (in other words – you aren’t paying the overtime)?
Employee versus Independent Contractor
Big source of revenue for state agencies if they determine you really have employees NOT independent contractors.
State and Local Agencies and Laws
What you don’t know WILL COST YOU
Privacy & investigation
How to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars and your reputation
Not Defining Standards and Expectations for Work to be Performed
How can you properly evaluate and reward employees if you and they don’t know what they are doing?
Download slides, handouts and checklists (ZIP) »

My team and I are dedicated professionals who through honesty, caring and desire, provide our clients the tools and processes for sensible, appropriate human resource management, for recruiting the right person for the right job, for coaching people to do better and to direct energies for increased business and personal results.